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FOSBA are the Parent Teacher's Association for St Bartholomew's Primary School. We hold numerous events throughout the school year to raise funds and have some fun at the same time! Over recent years we have raised between £10000 and £13000 a year which reflects the great support we get from parents at the school and local businesses.  This has enabled the school to invest in additional IT, library resources, physical education equipment, curricular resources for a range of subjects such as maths, science, geography, and much, much more. Every year the teachers have new and exciting ideas about how they can make our children’s experiences at St Bartholomew’s more exciting, challenging and enjoyable and we do our best in supporting them to achieve these goals. 

Fundraising Events

We have a range of fundraising events each year including school discos, Christmas Bazaar, the FOSBA Quiz, and the Summer Fete, along with other fundraising events throughout the year like Mother and Father’s day sales, Easter Egg Tombola etc.  The Quiz, Summer Fete and the Christmas Bazaar are open to all residents and visitors to the village and your support and attendance would be very much appreciated.

Further details of these events appear in the school newsletter, calendar and on our private Facebook page (please email to be added to our Facebook page). 

Corporate Funding and Donations

If you work for a company that runs a corporate charity donation scheme or matched donation scheme, please think about whether this might be an opportunity to raise money for FOSBA and St Bartholomew's Primary School. We are also delighted to receive one off donations from parents and friends of FOSBA and also via employment schemes.

If you would be interested in supporting us by becoming a committee member or a helper at one of our events throughout the year or through the donation of raffle prizes, food and beverages for events or in any other way or if you would like any more details about our forthcoming events, then please contact